You have probably bought travel insurance many times for your travels abroad. When you book a flight or a trip from an agency, they will most probably suggest that you buy insurance.
We actually never bought any travel insurance as we were already covered on our credit cards or our employer provided us with insurance on an annual basis as we were traveling frequently.
When we prepared for our trip around the world we researched intensely and read all the offers and policies, compared many providers and studied countless travel blogs. In the end all our research came up with the same result; “World Nomads” is the one and not only for long term travellers like us! Basically, it does not matter how long you travel. Whether it be a long weekend in your favourite city, a summer holiday in Greece or a hike to the lost city. The best part is that you can get your World Nomads insurance while already on the road.
Also, it does not matter if you are travelling alone, as a couple or even with your whole family.
As an example, the Explorer Plan covers the following:
Unlimited Medical & Dental expenses
24-hour Emergency assistance
Emergency Medical Transport and Evacuation, up to EUR 350'000
Pre-Trip cancellation EUR 7’000
Travel delay EUR 700
Baggage & Personal effects EUR 2’500
Stolen Passport or Documents EUR 700
Personal Liability - Physical Injury or Property Damage EUR 1'750’000
And much more...
They cover almost every country, have a 24/7 Hotline and claims can be easily submitted online. Have a look at their website which also offers travel safety tips and has a community forum which will support you with the preparation of your next trip.
Get a free quote here:
We have purchased a yearly plan, it is even cheaper than being insured at home. But why invest in something that you would probably never need? Well, let us tell you about some of the unexpected events we’ve experienced during our own travels.
Parasites in Argentina
It was our last evening in Salta, Argentina. We went out to grab some Empanadas around the corner. As Fridtjof likes his food spicy he dipped generously into that chili salsa. The next day on arrival in Arequipa, Peru, he felt sick with an upset stomach and heavy cramps. After 5 torturous days we decided to go to the hospital. Following several checks, we found out that Fridtjof had been gifted with a special souvenir from our last dinner in Argentina, which was a parasite and additionally 2 different types of bacteria. Heavy antibiotics, 2 infusions and a couple of «The mother of all pills» brought Fridtjof back on track in no time. The cost of USD 300 was covered by World Nomads after uploading all receipts into their system.

Dry eyes in Colombia
A few months later Martti felt some pain in his eye. After checking with the Embassy for a recommended eye doctor in Bogotá who would also be able to speak English, we jumped in a Uber to see him. To make a long story short, Martti had really dry eyes due to overuse of his contract lenses and being in air-conditioned environment too much. The doctor implanted two stents which could hold more moisture from the tear nozzle. The two little stents were costly, but everything was covered by World Nomads and we could continue our journey as we got clarity about the problem. After uploading all documents on the World Nomads website, we received the EUR 500 to our bank account minus the own risk fee of EUR 70.

Stuck in a tropical paradise
The beautiful island of Providencia, Colombia is a diver’s paradise with Caribbean deep blue sea and blue skies.
The cab driver shuttling us to the hotel mentioned something about «a cold front moving in». Both of us were thinking he is probably joking. But he wasn’t. The next day the paradise turned into a rainforest; it actually rained for three days nonstop. And as it turned out to be a hurricane, all flights were cancelled. In the end we had to stay three extra nights and lost all our international flight connections and accommodation bookings.
World Nomads paid our new flight tickets, the extra accommodation needed and even food and beverage. All of which came to USD 1'000.
Doing the math at the end of the year, the insurance from World Nomads was worth every cent. And to be honest, who would have ever thought to be caught in a hurricane? And this is exactly the reason why you should never travel without travel insurance.
In this blog post we use affiliate links. If you choose to click on one and use the services it will be free of any charge for you. We might get a little comission to support our travels. 25 % of all commissions we will donated for charity. We are researching the information given in this guide very carefully but can of course not give any warranty about the correctness as changes often happen quickly. If you experience any, we would be grateful if you would let us know and send an email to contact@thewaywesawit.com